Bitmap Game
The Road, 2020
to play.
Design Process
This project was highly enjoyable to conceptualize and format visually. I felt like I put numerous coding concepts to the test: calling functions, classes & objects, arrays, for loops, collision detection, etc. I certainly ran into issues trying to craft the dim sum scene - finessing the rotating dots and trying to get multiple elements rotating in opposite directions (will work on improving this later). The switching of scenes was also interesting to program. There is a moment at the fork in the road scene where your choice dictates how you progress or move back in time. It was interesting trying to create a visual for the Robert Frost poem (a poem I read when I was in elementary school and held close to my ♥).
Click here to view the code.
I enjoyed creating visualizations of the scenes through sketching and working in an additive way with code to produce similar (if not exact) replicas of my sketches. I do feel I left a lot of experimentation and exploration out of this process. The game feels visually very minimal and "tight". I wonder how it could look if I loosened the constraints and made it "messier" as an experience.